What If You Don't Eat Fruits And Vegetables Every Day? Disastrous Effects On Health

Don't you eat fruits and vegetables every day? You risk developing many health problems, doctors warn. Fruits and vegetables are essential components for maintaining health, due to the nutrients they contain.

These include vitamins A, C, E, K and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. Fruits and vegetables are also excellent sources of fiber and have antioxidant properties.

To benefit from all these nutrients, you need to take your daily portion of 5 fruits and vegetables, as varied as possible in terms of color and taste.

What are the consequences if you do not eat fruits and vegetables every day

Whether you don't like their taste or your body has simply become accustomed to processed foods, the lack of fruits and vegetables in your diet will make its presence felt, sooner or later.

If you do not eat fruits and vegetables daily, the risk of facing these diseases is much higher:

  • Scurvy - caused by vitamin C deficiency

  • Night blindness (night blindness or night blindness) - caused by vitamin A deficiency

  • Bleeding or blood clots - caused by vitamin K deficiency

  • Anemia, osteoporosis, thyroid disease - caused by deficiency of minerals such as iron, calcium, iodine

The risk of cardiovascular disease, 20% higher if you do not eat fruits and vegetables daily

According to studies, people who consume 5 fruits and vegetables daily have a 20% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, compared to those who consume less than 3 fruits and vegetables daily.

Vegetables with a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system include asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans and sesame seeds. These vegetables protect the heart due to compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet effects.

The DASH diet, which promotes the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, helps to improve blood pressure control.

A study that examined the effect of the DASH diet on blood pressure found that people with high blood pressure who followed the DASH diet experienced a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Fiber from fruits and vegetables prevents digestive disorders

Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, which stimulates intestinal peristalsis and helps in the correct and easy digestion of food. This prevents constipation and avoids associated problems such as hemorrhoids.

Fruits rich in vitamin C and potassium are especially good for digestion. Examples of such fruits are apples, oranges and bananas.

Also, according to a study published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, green leafy vegetables contain sulfoquinovose, a saccharide that feeds good bacteria in the gut and forms a protective barrier against ECOILinfection.

Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables halves the risk of diabetes

Researchers at Edith Cowan University found that people who eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day have a 50% lower risk of developing diabetes.

The study of scientists, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, showed that a healthy diet, consisting of whole fruits (so no juices!), Vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, can play an important role in mitigating the risk of developing diabetes. type 2 sugar.

It is characterized by impaired blood sugar, increased blood pressure, dyslipidemia and abdominal obesity.

The correct intake of vitamin C, due to its antioxidant effect, effectively prevents the occurrence of metabolic syndrome. And high-fiber foods help lower blood triglycerides and balance blood sugar.

Don't you eat fruits and vegetables? 

Scientific evidence suggests that including fruits and vegetables in the diet reduces the risk of cancer.

Berries, especially blueberries, contain anthocyanin, an antioxidant that has been shown to have an inhibitory effect on colon cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables may also have a protective effect against cancer. A study published in the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis found that floretin, a polyphenol present in apples, inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits contain carotenoids, which improve eyesight and help prevent eye diseases related to aging. Lutein and zeaxanthin have a protective action against cataracts; It also helps prevent degenerative eye diseases, such as glaucoma.

Last but not least, daily consumption of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of depression. The result of a recent study is surprising: in order to have a good mood and good mental health, not five servings of fruits and vegetables a day are recommended, but rather seven or even eight servings.

Horny Daddy

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