Top 6 Foods That Lose Their Nutrients When Reheated

Here is the list of foods that lose their nutrients when reheated. Why is it healthier to eat them fresh?

When our hunger strikes, we go to the fridge and look for the leftover food that we can heat in the microwave. Although this trick helps us satisfy our hunger, unfortunately it causes the foods we eat to lose nutrients when reheated. So, here is the list of foods that lose their nutrients when reheated.

Vitamins C and B are sensitive to heat, and reheating the foods they contain leads to their loss. So here are the foods you should eat as fresh as possible to get the essential nutrients.

Studies show that vegetables that contain soluble vitamins such as vitamin C lose their nutritional value when cooked. Broccoli falls into this category because it contains 132mg of vitamin C, exceeding the recommended daily amount.

Green vegetables also suffer from folic acid losses once reheated. Folic acid helps the body form healthy red blood cells and can reduce the risk of pregnancy. Once reheated, it can be destroyed.


A potato may taste delicious when cooked, but when reheated, the texture and flavor are lost. In turn, the potato is rich in vitamin C, whether we are talking about white or red potatoes. A portion of potatoes provides 27mg of vitamin C, ie 45% of the recommended daily requirement, being an excellent source to assimilate this vitamin.

Reheated eggs

Boiled eggs are among the few that continue to taste good once reheated, but we can't say the same about nutritional values. According to studies, their reheating reduces the activity of antioxidants, regardless of the method in which it was prepared - boiled, baked or fried.

Vegetable oils

There are a few things you need to know about vegetable oils, a category of oils that include olive oil, avocado oil, soybean oil and more. They contain unsaturated fatty acids that once exposed to heat and cold too often, begin to form various bonds that can be translated into fatty acids that increase inflammation in the body and can lead to cardiovascular disease.

Fish, on the list of foods that lose their nutrients when reheated

If you eat fish to combat anemia or B6 deficiency, consider that it contains pyridoxine, known as a vitamin B6, which is used to treat many types of anemia and B6 deficiency. It's just that this vitamin is sensitive to heat, and when the fish loses its water content after reheating, pyrodixin is eliminated.

Nitrate-rich Vegetables

If you prepare foods rich in nitrates, high temperatures turn them into nitrosamines, which are known to be carcinogenic. For this reason, they must be eaten raw or prepared at a medium temperature.

Horny Daddy

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