How Weight Loss Changes Your Life: 10 Reasons To Lose Weight [Must Read]

How Weight Loss Changes your Life: 10 Reasons to Lose Weight

Find out the benefits of weight loss, in addition to improving your physical appearance!

The winter holidays are over and we will soon welcome spring, cheerful and a bit chubby. The goodness of Christmas and the lack of exercise certainly weighed on many of us with a few extra pounds.

Many women want to get rid of excess weight overnight, if possible by sneaking a pretzel or sipping a cake in the middle of the night. Well, in doing so, they only succeed in frustrating and "curbing" their ambition to lose weight.

Motivation to lose weight: 10 weight loss benefits

Losing weight is often a miracle recipe in the fight against all kinds of health problems. In fact, in many cases, doctors recommend weight loss to relieve various symptoms.

1. You will rest better

What you eat can affect the quality of sleep, studies show. According to them, overweight or obese people generally eat foods that are not rich in nutrients, which is why hunger always makes its presence felt, as well as stomach pain.

This means that the body constantly requires energy sources, such as fats and sugars, including at night. Also, unhealthy foods eaten in the evening favor the appearance of stomach pains, which disrupt the quality of sleep. You can read more about the effects of lack of rest here.

2. You will have less pain

Back and joint pain, especially in the knees - are certainly not foreign to you, especially if you have a few extra pounds.


3. You will be less stressed

Stress is mainly due to work tasks, but this does not mean that diet is less important. Some foods can increase the level of cortisol, the main stress hormone, such as soft drinks and sweets. Such foods and beverages cause excessive blood sugar and then a sudden drop in blood sugar, a process that the brain interprets as dangerous - as a result, it transmits signals through which more cortisol is released.

4. You will breathe better

The extra pounds are also to blame for the onset or worsening of respiratory problems. Especially in spring, tearing of the eyes, stuffy nose and sneezing are signs of allergies, which can be aggravated by the pressure exerted by excessive weight on the respiratory system and adrenal glands. Also, breathing difficulties can be aggravated if you suffer from asthma and are overweight.

5. Your sex life will gain

As your body mass index decreases, your appetite for sex increases. This is due to increased testosterone levels as a result of burning fat. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, middle-aged overweight men have testosterone levels as low as the elderly.

Another study shows that women with excess abdominal fat have high levels of cortisol, a hormone that affects libido. Also, being overweight promotes a lack of self-confidence and even rejection for one's own body.

6. You will catch colds much less often

It is scientifically proven that overweight people are more at risk of viruses and other respiratory diseases, mainly due to nutritionally unbalanced diet, but also obesity-related diseases, which weaken the immune system's ability to fight bacteria and viruses.

Also, lack of rest, specific to those who face extra pounds, contributes to weakening immunity. Therefore, a rich diet and fresh vegetables and fruits, quality protein and healthy fats, but also restful sleep are the weapons to be feared against being overweight, but also colds or flu.

7. Your memory no longer plays tricks on you

Weight loss will also benefit your brain, not just your physical appearance. According to a study, women with normal weight perform better on cognitive tests than overweight ones.

One explanation is that the diet of obese women may disrupt certain signals to brain cells, which impedes the learning process. Fructose in particular is to blame, an ingredient often used in soft drinks or sweets. See here other negative effects of fructose!

Instead, a diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants facilitates the activity of neurotransmitters and therefore the memory works sharply.

How Weight Loss Changes your Life: 10 Reasons to Lose Weight

8. Stop sweating profusely

This is because excess body fat raises body temperature and, as a result, promotes excessive sweating. Another consequence of excessive fat is the appearance of pimples or other dermatological problems, such as psoriasis or eczema.

9. The risk of cancer diseases 

Many people are aware that smoking and unprotected exposure to sunlight increase the risk of cancer, but far fewer believe that weight can play a role. Experts say that inflammation caused by extra pounds can cause DNA mutations and promote the appearance and development of cancer cells. 

10. You will live longer and better

Finally, after listing these weight loss benefits, we come to the only obvious conclusion: a healthy body means a longer life, free from disease! There are more than 20 large-scale studies in a meta-analysis published in Plos Medicine that show that obesity shortens life expectancy by at least 14 years.

Horny Daddy

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