Foods that make digestion difficult and can cause diarrhea, bloating, stomach pain or burning. Find out why citrus fruits are contraindicated and what other foods can cause digestive disorders.
Top foods that make digestion difficult
Fried, sauces, fatty meats, sweets with cream and butter - these are foods that make digestion difficult and can cause cramps, constipation / diarrhea, heartburn, etc.
Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, mince, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes) - these are rich in fiber, which can make digestion difficult if consumed in excess. In addition, citric acid can aggravate and intensify heartburn.
Artificial sweeteners - are present, most often, in the form of sorbitol in chewing gum and in many sugar-free sweets. They can cause stomach pain and diarrhea when consumed in excess.
Whole grains and high-fiber vegetables - if consumed in large quantities, such foods that hinder digestion can lead to bloating and intestinal gas (flatulence).
Beans - contains a lot of fiber and protein, but also sugars that are difficult to digest by the intestinal flora, causing cramps and gas. To prevent such symptoms, it is advisable to keep the beans soaked in water with a little baking soda for at least 4 hours (but best overnight) before boiling.
Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli - are cruciferous vegetables that contain the same types of sugars from beans and are rich in fiber that can hinder digestion.
Fructose - is found in fruit juices, soft drinks, candy and pastries and is difficult to digest in some people, who may experience diarrhea, bloating and abdominal cramps.
Spicy foods - especially hot peppers can cause indigestion and heartburn, especially after a high-calorie meal. To prevent such symptoms, it is advisable to keep the beans soaked in water with a little baking soda for at least 4 hours (but best overnight) before boiling.
The culprit may be capsaicin, the hot pepper compound.
Dairy - this category includes sweet milk, cheese and any milk specialty that contains lactose, which is impossible to digest in people with intolerance and can lead to bloating, diarrhea, intestinal gas and severe abdominal pain.