Apples can be considered a symbol of health and vitamins. It is not for nothing that the English say "One apple a day keeps the doctor away".
Apples can be considered a symbol of health and vitamins. It is not for nothing that the English say "One apple a day keeps the doctor away". A medium-sized apple weighs about 180 g and contains 94.6 kcal, with 25 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of protein and 0.3 g of fat. Wonder fruits, apples can help us win and fight the extra pounds.
We can also buy them from ecological sources, and, if we are lucky, we can pick them ourselves from the apple. It is a fruit in which we find micronutrients such as vitamin B2 - riboflavin, vitamin B6 - pyridoxine, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, as well as fiber. The need for fiber for an adult is about 14 g per 1000 kcal, 100 g of apple bringing 4.37 g of fiber, '' says nutritionist Mihaela Posea for What Happens, Doctor?
Here are, in the opinion of the nutritionist, the advantages of eating apples!
# It is a convenient, practical and low-calorie snack. Compared to a few almonds or a few grams of chocolate, the apple is a filling snack and has a low number of calories.
# A good amount of fiber. The 4 g of fiber brought by a tiny apple are beneficial to the body, especially in a protein diet, where the tendency is to have a slower intestinal transit (and fiber helps regulate it).
# Good source of Bs for vegan diets. Patients who choose to lose weight following vegetarian or vegan diets often have B deficiencies in their diet. Apples are a source of B2 and B6, essential in preventing seborrheic dermatitis, skin inflammation, essential in energy metabolism and modulating the activity of steroid hormones.
# Health source. The content of vitamin C in apple makes it a source of protection against infections. This property, but also the small number of calories, makes it suitable for people who are on a diet.
# Energy reserve for physical training. Therefore, an apple snack can be beneficial before going to the gym ", says the nutritionist Mihaela Posea.
Benefits for children
Apples are a convenient, accessible and easily accepted source for children ", says nutritionist Mihaela Posea.
# Sour taste. The sweet taste is becoming more and more prominent in children's preferences. It is important to teach them with different tastes, and sour apples can help us.
# Various colors. We always recommend parents to teach their children diversity when it comes to food. Apples have the advantage of being available in different colors and can be used in snack designs with boats, ladybugs, butterflies or cars.
# Possibility to eat it picked from the tree. It is very important to teach children about the origin of fruits and vegetables, and apples are an example of fruits that can be picked even by children on a vacation to grandparents or in the mountains, "says the specialist.
# Teach children to chew and train their jaws. Modern food is based on increasingly soft and fiber-free foods. Also, children have a lot of soft things in their diet, meals in the form of cream soups or purees. Apples help them learn to chew and train their jaws.