Semi-Vegetarian Diet: What It Entails

Semi-vegetarian Diet: what it Entails

The semi-vegetarian diet indicates that you can be a part-time vegetarian, meaning you can frequently eat eggs and dairy products, but limiting meat consumption.

Recently, the term "semi-vegetarian" has become quite well known and, although there is no definition of exactly what it means to be semi-vegetarian, interest in such a diet has grown significantly in recent years. 

The semi-vegetarian diet can be customized

Veganism excludes all animal orphan products, which means that you are not allowed to eat meat, seafood, eggs, dairy products or other ingredients derived from animal sources, including honey and gelatin. Veganism involves a lifestyle that does not use animal-derived materials, such as leather, furs, or cosmetics made or tested on animals.

Vegetarianism generally means a style of eating without meat or seafood, but eggs or dairy products may be included and the frequency or quantity in which they are consumed is not specified. Vegetarians prefer to eat meat substitutes, such as soy products, whole grains, lentils, beans or vegetable burgers.

Theoretically, a semi-vegetarian diet indicates that you can be a part-time vegetarian, meaning you can frequently eat eggs and dairy products, but limit the consumption of meat and seafood as much as you feel necessary.

Some people choose not to eat dairy products, but instead eat seafood and eggs, while others prefer to avoid eggs and include yogurt or cheese in their diet. A semi-vegetarian diet can include any combination of vegetarianism and consumption of animal foods.

Semi-vegetarian Diet: what it Entails

Foods to eat

Because there are many vegetable products on the market, it is quite easy to avoid meat, but this does not mean that you have to go for pizza and pasta, because you will not enjoy too many health benefits. Following a recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition, where over 800 participants were either vegan, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, semi-vegetarian or non-vegetarian, it was found that among vegan participants the level of healthy fats was increased in the body. 

Legumes, the umbrella term for beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas, are rich in nutrients and are a versatile source of protein. This food group supports weight management and fat loss without reducing the number of calories.

A semi-vegetarian diet should include fruits and vegetables eaten daily with whole grains such as oats, quinoa and wild or brown rice, but also nuts and seeds.

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