Anemia: Indicated Foods [Must Read]

Anemia: Indicated Foods

In anemia, there is a reduction in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin in the blood. This leads to a decrease in oxygen in the blood, and the patient feels a state of fatigue, dizziness and increased susceptibility to disease.

In anemia, there is a reduction in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin in the blood. This leads to a decrease in oxygen in the blood, and the patient feels a state of fatigue, dizziness and increased susceptibility to disease. The causes of anemia are many, from various diseases, to blood loss or a diet poor in nutrients.

In addition to saturated fats, hydrogenated fats are just as harmful to anemic people. We find them in fast food, fried, refined and processed foods, sugar, alcohol ", states the nutritionist Florin Ioan Bălănică for What is happening, doctor ?!

Gluten intolerance is a common cause of anemia, so it is advisable to avoid gluten-free foods. These include pasta, bakery and wheat.

High fiber foods, such as brown rice, should not be eaten at the same time as other high iron foods (beef, seafood), ”adds the specialist.

A common cause of anemia is inadequate folic acid intake, which the body cannot store. It needs a constant "supply" of folic acid, which we find in fresh vegetables and fruits. I recommend that patients eat fruits and vegetables, either fresh or in the form of juices or smoothies. It would be preferable to make the juices from vegetables and eat the fruits as such.

Anemia: Indicated Foods

Heat destruction destroys some of the nutrients, so it is advisable to eat very fresh or cooked vegetables, such as steamed. For the correct absorption of folic acid, it is recommended to consume foods rich in zinc.

Iron is also on the list of nutrients needed in anemic conditions. Calcium can interfere with iron absorption, so it would be preferable to eat foods rich in iron or calcium at different times, "says the nutritionist.

Vitamin C helps absorb iron from legumes, so a diet that includes citrus fruits, asparagus and bell peppers is essential for iron absorption and prevention of anemia.

People usually eat enough foods that contain vitamin B12, but due to a disease or a vegetarian diet, the body may face a deficiency. Vitamin B12 can be found mainly in meat and dairy products.

Patients with anemia should also pay attention to the interaction of certain nutrients that may decrease the absorption of B vitamins and folic acid. I recommend reducing the amount of foods rich in tannins and consuming them separately from foods that provide an intake of B vitamins and folic acid.

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