8 Popular Foods That Can Cause Allergic Reactions

8 Popular Foods that Can Cause Allergic Reactions

We include them daily in our menu, but sometimes they can be extremely dangerous. Eight popular foods are responsible for more than 90% of food allergies, and those affected can suffer from anaphylactic shock at any time, a life-threatening reaction. The only treatment that can work is to avoid the allergen altogether, which is difficult for horses that are used to consuming milk, eggs or wheat. Fortunately, there are food alternatives.

We include them daily in our menu, but sometimes they can be extremely dangerous. Eight popular foods are responsible for more than 90% of food allergies, and those affected can suffer from anaphylactic shock at any time, a life-threatening reaction. The only treatment that can work is to avoid the allergen altogether, which is difficult for horses that are used to consuming milk, eggs or wheat. Fortunately, there are food alternatives.


Allergy to cow's milk protein affects up to 7.5% of children. In contrast, in adulthood, things are different, because tolerance develops in 51% of cases within two years, and in 80% of cases within two to three years. Allergy is the immune reaction to one or more milk proteins. In general, to treat it, you should avoid total consumption of milk and dairy products.


Eggs are found in a wide range of foods, so avoiding them can be a challenge. People who have developed an egg allergy are important to understand the potential for accidental exposure. This can happen where I eat, including in restaurants and bakeries. In addition, eggs can be found in alcoholic or coffee-based beverages.


Peanut-containing products have been banned in many schools in the United States, but also at children's parties. In America, about 2% of the population has a peanut allergy, and the percentage continues to rise.

If nuts grow in the tree, peanuts fall into the category of legumes, because they come from the soil. Therefore, people may be allergic to peanuts, but not nuts, and vice versa.

People who develop this type of allergy may also have reactions to peanut traces. Allergies can be present from the beginning of life, and often cannot be overcome. Children who have been diagnosed with this condition have experienced symptoms since the first exposure.


Walnuts are part of the category of foods that cause allergic reactions, like other nuts, famous for fatal allergic reactions. People who are allergic to nuts may also have side effects with peanuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, etc.

8 Popular Foods that Can Cause Allergic Reactions


Wheat allergy is difficult to control because wheat is found in many foods, including ketchup, soy sauce and beer. There are even wheat-based cosmetics.

This condition is often confused with celiac disease, but the conditions are different. Those who have a wheat allergy struggle with the reactions caused by antibodies. People with celiac disease react to gluten, a special protein in wheat, which causes an abnormal reaction in the immune system.

Fish And Shells

Allergies to fish and shellfish are different. One person may be allergic to one type of fish, but not the other. Fish allergy develops early in life, but shellfish allergy tends to appear later in adolescence.


But one thing cannot be disputed: researchers are sure that soy allergies are becoming more common and affecting more and more children.

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